Registriere deine eigenen 0800/0720- und lokalen Nummern direkt online!

Österreich:0800 07 01 83
Deutschland:0800 3305106
International:🌍 +31 (0)85 400 5588

Domestic and international redirects for your sales, customer service and support teams.

Select your new number, tell us where to forward it and your service will be up in a matter of minutes.

Homey Housing - perfekter Telefonzugang über Belfabriek

Trusted by customers all over Europe

Aber das ist noch nicht alles!

Wir stellen einen Sprachbot als Teil des Pakets zur Verfügung. Verfassen Sie eine professionelle Begrüßungsnachricht, die den Anrufern mitteilt, dass sie Ihr Unternehmen erreicht haben.

Festnetznummer auf dem Handy

Ein Telefonsystem, das für alle deine Kollegen funktioniert: im Büro, zu Hause oder unterwegs!

Versuche es jetzt!

Gib deine Handynummer hier ein

It Rings different

icon - voicemail

When you receive calls, we'll play a discreet beep or your personalized notification, ensuring you recognize business calls immediately.

No IP Phones

icon - no phone

This solution eliminates the need for new IP phones, activating your phone number the same day (or within 5 business days if transferring an existing number).

Robust & Reliable

icon - network

Crucially, this is a robust and reliable business solution. No need to bother with app downloads or softphones - we transfer calls over the official mobile network of your cell phone.

Avoid the Hassle

icon - softphone

Avoid the pitfalls of softphones, which may not reliably respond to incoming calls and drain your phone's battery. We don't recommend them and don't use them ourselves. If you're investing in Adwords or other marketing efforts, ensuring every call comes through is essential - and our solution guarantees that.

We’ll Grow With You

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Moreover, this solution serves as a foundation for future growth.

Easily transition to a more comprehensive phone system when the need arises, complete with additional features, multiple users, and fixed IP phones for your home office or workplace.


  • Active within 10 minutes with your new or existing phone number.

  • Premium connections delivered over the mobile network.

  • No need for app or softphone downloads.

  • Future-proof with the option to upgrade to other phone systems, including IP phones.

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Answer 2

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Answer 4

Answer 5

Answer 6

Answer 7

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